Treat Accessibly - Everybody !
<audio description> Treat Accessibly logo. Dynamic wheelchair accessibility symbol with a flowing cape.
<audio description> Father and daughter sitting on the front steps of their home.
RICH PADULO: Hi. My name is Rich and this is our daughter Siena Padulo.
She's 10 years old and I'm 43 and a third.
Our family started Treat Accessibly to help one child with disabilities trick-or-treat at our home because our home has stairs and he uses a wheelchair.
Now we put out over 40 000 lawn signs and this year there will literally be millions of dollars in awareness being created for the movement.
This website, as well as some of the ways you can get your own sign, provides tips and information on how to Treat Accessibly this year.
Thank you everybody for treating accessibly, and Happy Halloween everybody.
SIENA PADULO: Make sure you eat lots of candy!