That’s our girl!
Siena won the Rick Hanson Foundation Difference Maker Award in Ontario for her efforts in creating awareness for accessible inclusion through Treat Accessibly in her school. Her idea has led to the development of a Treat Accessibly School Pilot that, fingers crossed, will be piloted in multiple schools this year. We are happy to say her school, The Toronto French School, has already signed on.
Our family’s goal is for the School Pilot to become an October tradition in schools across Canada and the U.S., effectively teaching all children about accessible inclusion every day and helping them get started by practicing Treat Accessibly at their home on Halloween.
About Us
In 2017 the Padulo Family realized they had to change how they set up their trick-or-treating station. Their home has stairs. This meant that someone in their neighbourhood could not enjoy their treats as they used a wheelchair to get around. They changed where their station was located and thought: wouldn't others also want to know how to make Halloween accessible and inclusive for all? And so Treat Accessibly was founded.
An accessible Halloween for one child has now grown across Canada with over 100,000 homes supporting accessible trick-or-treating, letting their neighbours know with their Treat Accessibly lawn sign proudly displayed on their front lawn.

The Padulo Family has kept Treat Accessibly a grassroots movement with a story to share that an average family can work together with the community, private sector, non-profits, and government to make a difference.
Happy Halloween… EveryBODY!